Many people ask us to continue to publish the story, which  we started to publish  some weeks ago...

Natalia tried to explain to Moto again and again so he can get back to reality and move on. She was really doing a favor to Moto as a responsible teacher. But Moto seemed like deeply attached to Natasha's Ghost and not willing to let it go.

During whole summer class with Natalia's English literature, Moto wrote about Natsha in every articles and papers. He would write a poem about Natasha and short essays then fictions stories and on and on. It was going out of control, with Moto, Natasha was still alive in his life. It was most real emotional thing happened to him after his mom passed away. He would bring a flower almost every wed day. Red roses to Natasha's grave yard. And this obsessive behavior of Moto started to concern Natalia. 

One day Prof Natalia decided to visit Moto's Aunty. It was wed evening while Moto went to gravey ... Read more »

Views: 508 | Added by: luda | Date: 2018-10-07 | Comments (0)