Dear ladies! Read the letter of our Italian customer. Read and remember- woman must bring  bread at home.  what now  modern men want!

"Dear Luba, I really appreciate your ability to propose these women to Western men. You are looking for a better future for them. Unfortunately, they don’t understand that life isn’t about living off other people’s money. They’re rigged like dolls. They are dressed like dolls. I have no emotion from such a woman. Surely she is a beautiful woman, sexually attractive, but I have no empathy with a person who sells smoke. I don’t care. There is need of beauty, but also of intelligence, of sobriety. A woman who has the opportunity to work,  to bring bread home, a woman ... Read more »

Views: 34 | Added by: luda | Date: 2024-03-06 | Comments (0)

Luba, I understand perfectly that you must earn to live. I hope that you will earn enough to live well. I am no longer interested in spending money on women who, without any prejudice of course, cannot give me anything more than what I have. A house, a job, friends, clothes, cars, ... I have many female friends in Italy. I have a good social life. Honestly, I have no desire to financially support a woman. If I have to spend money, I spend money for my children, who must have a future. Life is very difficult for us too. The cost of living has increased because of the lack of Russian gas and oil and for all the aid that has rightly been sent to Ukraine. There are divorced Italian women with a home, a job, money in the bank, cars, possibility to travel, to go shopping wi ... Read more »

Views: 34 | Added by: luda | Date: 2024-03-03 | Comments (0)

Bonjour, Monsieur. Je m'appèle Hélène Quentin, je suis française, j'ai 55 ans et cette année va faire 20 ans que je vis en Andalousie. J'ai une fille de 14 ans. J'aime cuisiner, préparer des desserts et pâtisseries. J'aime me promener en vélo ou à cheval. J'aime beaucoup voyager, connaître les us et coutumes de partout ( gastronomie, tradition....) J'aime beaucoup nager à la piscine ou dans la mer. J'aime les plantes, les fleurs, la nature. J'aime m'habiller de manière sportive ou classique moderne. J'aimerai connaître un homme francophone gentil, tendre, respectueux de lui-même et des autres, tolérant, ouvert, joyeux, positif, romantique avec plein d'Amour à donner et à recevoir. J'aimerai que cette personne soit da ... Read more »

Views: 30 | Added by: luda | Date: 2024-03-02 | Comments (0)

"Dear Luba, the beauty of a woman is elegance, culture, style, simplicity, sobriety, decorum, humility, intelligence, professionalism, smile, discretion, authenticity, substance, solidity, confidentiality. A woman with huge breasts on display, a Hermes bag, a speedboat, champagne, .... What’s that for? It’s ridiculous to look like that. Italian men women like that take them for coffe for a weekend and then forget them. No one with a brain would lose it for these people. It takes balance. What could you possibly give a man of interest? I believe little or nothing. I don’t care I’d be uncomfortable with someone like that. Better to be single."

Views: 40 | Added by: luda | Date: 2024-02-28 | Comments (0)

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